Wednesday, September 20, 2006
The Discuss Thrower (diskobolus) Reveal
German Friends of the Eurasian Movement: From the press:
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Remington 870mcs In 18-barrel For Sale
(Caption FAZ)
have after the fall of the West
Russian Neoeurasier a geopolitical vision
In the barely pronounceable, but popularized term "Neoeurasianismus" (neojewrazianstwo) has changed in Russia since the mid-nineties, a new political Thinking prevailed, which is now in many party programs and even in government statements, at least show a trace element. Speaker and organizer of the neoeurasischen movement is the restless active philosopher Alexander Dugin, the presence of the several state theory and general political science works, his public presence, however, marks through television appearances, pugnacious interviews, journalistic days Comments or policy speeches in the Duma: Characteristic of the Neoeurasianismus whole and Dugin for the fact that the new theory is able to detect cross-party, the entire political spectrum from extreme right to extreme left is, except the liberal center, that of obligation to democracy, market economy and human rights in neoeurasischer look almost as criminal aberration presents.
The absolute home
confess to Neoeurasianismus today not only influential politicians, but also many distinguished artists, including film director Nikita Mikhalkov and the Kazakh poet Olshas Sulejmenow. Neoslawophile, neo-fascists and neo-Stalinist political horizon of the Neoeurasianismus seem to have found a common ideological homeland, but also to common ideological enemies, who in addition to the "liberals" also as different stakeholders such as the "oligarchs", the "Masonic", the "human rights", the "Westerners", the "capitalists" and, above all belong to the "Jews".
The main work of the neoeurasischen thinking is Dugin's thousand-page monograph on the "Foundations of Geopolitics," which has been published since 1996, repeatedly redesigned editions, an authoritative textbook for all decision makers in the major spheres of Russian political life, "while a review of earlier geopolitical theories and trying this for the first time in a "geopolitical bring doctrine of Russia. "This doctrine has Russia on the world map, the key position, so that come to its central axis Siberia and the Indian subcontinent are at the same width and not, as usual, the Western Europe between northern Sweden and southern Italy.
Dugin's teaching, which is represented by other titles such as "The absolute home", "Ways of the Absolute," "Mysteries of Eurasia" or "The Russian thing" is not merely to the collision of incompatible cultures out, but to an "inevitable Great War of the continents, a perpetual battle of civilizations and their tectonic Collision. "- West and East, sea and land, Atlanticism and Eurasiertum Here are Leviathan and Behemoth opposite in apocalyptic conflict, and Russia will be finally allotted to emerge from this conflict as a new world power:" The basis is laid, the basic principles have been resolved. But this is only the beginning of a journey, who will lead up to the logic of things from the abyss to the light of new Russian spheres of heaven and the holy flesh of the Russian land. "
the sometimes esoteric rhetoric that to great pains Dugin in his writings program should not disguise the relentless rigor of his thinking. It leaves everything behind, imagining what the Bolsheviks in the world happy and called for a world revolution. The Geopolitics of Neoeurasier is also a militant patriotism, which is the home completely, giving it global. As his role models and informants cited Dugin - with great respect - mainly Western European authors, led by Karl Haushofer and Carl Schmitt, but also the exiled Russian "Eurasian" of the twenties and their last descendants, the Soviet "ethnic geneticist" Lew Gumilev who enjoys today as a pioneer of the new Russian rights high posthumous fame.
Even the early Eurasiertum was pronounced faith in the state and power-oriented, imperialist, nationalist and determinedly set anti-Western, with significant Bolshevik or Stalinist sympathies, dominated by prominent intellectuals such as the linguist Nikolaj Trubeckoy, the geographer Pyotr Sawizkij, the historian George Vernadsky and the musicologist Ejotr Suwtschinskij, which essentially have developed the theoretical foundations of the Eurasian ideology to which the Neoeurasianismus now LINKED where he completed an abundant diffuse religious dimensions.
recently, Igor Wischnewezkij, in a sensational trial record and can demonstrate, what has been extraordinary, especially propagandistic share the musical culture of Russian modernism in the spread of the Eurasian idea since 1920 to the years of the Stalinist state terror. Sergei Prokofiev, returned to the Soviet Union and promoted folk artists, wrote on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the October Revolution, a large Eurasian-inspired cantata and a little later a concertante drinking song on the dictator.
the meaning and spirit of the composers have Eurasiertums Artur Lurie, Igor Stravinsky and Igor Markevitch committed, either with programmatic musical works, the Eastern primitivism against Western formalism brought into play, whether (or how Lurie Suwtschinskij) with independent theoretical writings and political declarations. On singular way here were composing, drafting musical aesthetic manifesto and philosophical reflections "in the spirit of music" a productive whole, though in a less critical approach to the Stalinist Soviet Union.
too often a new cultural era
Stravinsky, who remained untouched by such sympathy was, back in 1914 to recognize one of Romain Rolland's contempt for the decadence of Western musical culture, and looked for Russia "The role of a beautiful barbarian country" which was met "fertilize potent enough to the world of thought" of "seedlings of new ideas" and. Ripeness or even perfection, as Sträwinski saw her reach into the European music, he considered the "beginning of doom "for the" lowest level of the viability of high art "to - in favor of neuzuschaffenden" "So he made but only to Leo Tolstoy's general account with the traditional." folk art ".
were the pioneers of Eurasiertums a" organic "understanding of culture and art, the use of terms such as" power "and" maturity " "Flower" or "decay" targets and to Oswald Spengler kulturtypologische rankings in the "decline of the West" (1918 to 1922) recalls. This "destruction" is now brandishing the Neoeurasiern wordy in the belief that after a qualitatively new epoch follows that neither European nor Asian, but be flat Eurasian is - led by Russian multi-ethnic state, a "completely separate ethnic community, which alone was capable of dealing with the West-East conflict geopolitical.
Felix Phillipp Ingolt in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of 23.08.2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
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.. had he not starved of paranoia.
and over again, that the media is not objective reporting, but only
hahne books "hair-puller. Why Einstein is known as dreadful and Gödel was not, I probably always remain a mystery. The media created since apparently her own object of desire, and the seemingly "bootstrap" manner, without coming from the outside grounds.
Not even the "respectable" Spiegel has now left on the front page a headline for him - or I've overlooked, but this would suggest that they may not have been too big. Only has an article about him that makes me this news page once again very likable.
Who was Gödel, and what he has discovered is there - albeit with a rather strange analogy - read. But maybe you can not logic to non-strange way and give way.
Well too bad, at least, that know so few people Godel's incompleteness theorem and a pity that so many people think they know, which means the theory of relativity, when it was published, have peers appreciated by Albert, that maybe only five people worldwide there that really understand his theory. With this statement, did this self-proclaimed "peers" it, as far as I know, lure to Berlin.
said today everyone seems to understand it, although I do not think that the majority of humanity has become more intelligent. Only technical innovations, we have accumulated.
But I will not speak about Einstein but by Gödel, Einstein was already said enough, God knows. Read the article linked Wikipedia article and there - who's really interested in - a logic book or a book of algorithms with a detailed chapter on logic. Then we talk some more ...
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
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Contrary to my previous statements I had to just let me explain from the Wikipedia, that I am both in Mexico City and Guadalajara in very well-slums, or more correctly, by shanty towns down, or run. Only I was not aware of this fact. The image on the page came to me for not be alien.
However, one could at least similar road conditions on an undeveloped Austrian Farm imagine somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
me for something that is so far were Slums of corrugated iron huts and the very bad case of cardboard boxes. But that is not so, you can read in the above linked article.
Well, fortunately, the Wikipedia article clarifies yes also, that I am not as tall, blond man was in such danger, how to accept it now could be: the crime rates in "shanty towns" not necessarily higher than in "real" neighborhoods. The subsequent heart attack may not occur so reassured.
Allen, whom I have told the opposite, so be assured now: to Mexico City around a not to be underestimated belt is made of "shanty towns".
And these are not made of corrugated iron huts, but are comparable with the few houses on the image to the Wikipedia page .
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Program Hitachi Clu 4371ug2 Remote
If you are interested in our work, please send please e-mail to
--------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -

first Eurasia about everything Alexander Dugin
second ESTABLISHMENT of the International Eurasian Movement "means third
understanding defeat of Alexander Dugin
4th Alexander Dugin in conversation
The fifth program of the" Eurasian Movement "
6th The star of the Invisible Empire, via the traditional writer Parvulesko, 7 Alexander Dugin
Book Review: What holds together Russia, by Michael Thumann
48 pages, b. / w. Illustrations. Price: EUR 5.50
This publication can be purchased at the Regin-Verlag.
Please note that the boy even in the best forum refer to the subscription price of € 20.00 for four issues can.
Copyright (c) 2004 Regin-Verlag. All rights reserved. Regin-Verlag /
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The manifesto of the movement Eurasia The idea of crisis in modern Russia
in Russian society - particularly in the politico-social sphere - is at the beginning of the new millennium a pathological deficit of ideas felt. The majority of people - including rulers, politicians, scientists and workers - can be in their political decisions by a combination of momentary factors guiding interests and ephemeral ephemeral random calls. The consequences are loss of feeling a sense of life, the idea of a logic behind the story, and the duties of the people sway the fate of the world. The social behavior of individuals is determined by aggressive advertising. In place of a meaningful and responsible political philosophy is more or less by "public relations" entered certain information world. The output idea of struggle is determined by the size of the investment and the quality of political propaganda
. Dramatic clashes of peoples, cultures and religions have been transformed into "shows." These are directed by multinational companies and partnerships in order to divert attention from the economic interests of these giants. Human blood, human life, human spirit for statistical abstract, the practical value, at best, demagogic phrase in the sweet moans and ambiguous, in which the double standard is hidden. In place of the totalitarian Nichtinfizierung the totalitarian indifference is entered. The majority of political parties have formed social movements and to pursue only economic goals. Virtually nowhere can you find a clear and consistent belief that people can escape from the dormant state of indifference, only such a belief can make sense of life.
The most dangerous project and their ideas of the consistent liberals dar. These forces, which are based in geopolitical terms, the U.S. and the West, have U.S. policy as a model . The American economic system is carried out by these forces as well as the type of American Society and the "American culture" referred to Americanism. This camp has the advantage: His project is logical and unwidersprüchlich, here are the theory and practice closely. Liberals say yes to unity determined world that is confused, meaningless, individualistic, oligarchic, to a world that has lost all moral, spiritual and traditional orientation. This kind of world the U.S. is trying to create a global framework. The U.S. as a superpower feel because of their technological and economic superiority entitled, "Grand Chessboard" (Zbigniew Brzezinski) become. Evident, however, that the Americanization of Russia and the rest of the world only by the slavish devotion of many governments in the face of the U.S. self-image as "world police" is possible. A negative attitude to the American way of life and the infamous "New World Order" shall be approved. We should welcome this rejection everywhere where they are found. But that alone is not enough. Rather, we need an active counter-project, a realistic, practical and comprehensive alternative. The conditions at the beginning of the new millennium are radically different from previous enlargements. People who want a new future, instead of that U.S. chaos that can guide America and wants to impose on us, therefore, may not only say no, but must also a clear plan to formulate their own civilization, it according to make, confirm and defend eventually. The only large-scale, summary and alternative world view that an American hegemony, and thus the unipolar world, can offer the end, the Eurasian doctrine.
Historically, the Eurasian doctrine in the 20's emerged as a test of the logic of political and social, cultural and geopolitical development of Russia. The Eurasian philosophers saw this development for the unit as a continuous process, which stretched from Old Russia to the USSR. Eurasists saw in the dialectic of the national destiny of the Russian people and state is a historical unit shipment, which occurred differently in different times. The main thesis of the early Eurasian philosopher states: "The West is against humanity," that is against the peoples of the world, the great diversity of cultures and civilizations. Against the unitary, totalitarian Western model is to be against the economic, political and cultural dominance of the West to act.
Russia - the old Orthodox monarchist and Soviet Russia - were to Eurasian philosophy, the bulwark and the vanguard of this global process, the citadel of freedom against the hegemony of the godless, secular, pragmatic and selfish outgrowth of Western civilization, with its claim to physical and mental domination. For this reason, welcomed the eurasists the USSR as a new paradoxical form of the original Russian way. They welcomed
not atheism or materialism in the sphere of culture, but saw behind the facade of the archaic communist national traits, and found in Soviet Russia the geopolitical legal heir of the Russian mission. The Eurasian philosophers were consistent and convincing Russian patriots. They came to the conclusion that the old traditional
Forms in the Russian national idea had developed in recent centuries, a false impression aroused: the solutions of the Romanovs "orthodox religion" and "absolute monarchy" were only a conservative facade, behind which is a completely modern, copied from Europe Content was. The Soviet Patriotismusäußerte the national idea in terms of class ideology, the core of the problem were not quite civilization and the meaning of the historical mission of Russia is not precisely defined. The secular nationalism of the Romanovs was formalistic and imitated European forms of government. The Soviet patriotism ignored the national elementary force, tore the connection to the tradition, rejected the patriarchal faith. It was necessary, a synthesis, to develop a new approach. Such a view was created with the Eurasian political and social philosophy in the "Eurasian Movement". The fathers of the "Eurasian Movement" saw for the first time the positive in the multinational nature (natural realm) of the Russian state.
they were particularly attentive to the Turkfaktor. They saw the role of Genghis Khan heritage, the season of the Tatar rule by Moscow in the 16th Century was perceived as a decisive turning Russia to the east. In the Greek Orthodox tradition is precisely this Time, the "Holy Russia," Moscow is here transformed into the Third Rome (after the fall of Constantinople first, and then the Byzantine Empire). The mission of the Holy Russia spoke in defense of the Eurasian culture, the original community, which was by and large different from the way Catholic or Protestant countries in the West. The
eurasists presented Russia as the vanguard of the East against the West as a defensive front of the traditional communities to the modern, secular, rationalist society. But suitable in its centuries-long struggle to preserve their cultural identity in Russia - in contrast to other Eastern countries - active in Western knowledge. Russia received technical achievements, borrowed certain methodologies, but each time only with the aim to counter the West's arms to hit the enemy with his own weapons. In modern parlance this means that Russia went the way of a "modernization without Westernization." That is why Russia was so long, longer than other traditional communities to effectively withstand the pressure of the West.
the conclusion that the "movement Eurasia it takes is this: Russia is not merely require a return to his roots, but a Combination of conservative and revolutionary bases, Russia must modernize actively develop, open up some of the surrounding world, while retaining its own identity at the same time strict and firm. For this reason, one has the Eurasian philosophers "orthodox Bolsheviks called. This remarkable movement has been historically not adequately assessed. The impressive success of the Marxist ideology made sophisticated, conservative and revolutionary ideologies of the Eurasian philosophers are not in the operational sense superfluous. End of the 30s was the original impetus of the "Eurasian Movement" in Russia and around Russia Emigration of politicians and ideologues to teachers about (represented primarily by the Russian historian Lev Gumilow).
The dramatic events and developments of recent decades, both within and outside the borders of Russia, the ideas of philosophers Eurasian again made timely and important. The enemy of the West, the USSR went under, and the Marxist ideology lost its attraction for people. The result was an ideological vacuum. It was not a new common alternative to the Western mind and liberalism exists. It could also arise no real alternative. Isolated and separated Fragments - a pre-revolutionary nationalism, clericalism, a mechanical Sovietism or extravagant fantasies of environmentalism and left-wing extremism - could not form a united front. There was no common ideological basis, not lowest common denominator. Situational approaches of the different viewpoints brought opponents of globalism and Americanism are any genuine ideological synthesis. At that moment turned very attentive minds, good hearts and good souls to the Eurasian heritage. They found the mineral spring, the seeds of doctrine, the belief that fully met the needs of the historic moment. Neo-eurasism began to make: as a social, philosophical, scientific, geopolitical and cultural movement in the late 80s. The lesson came from the heritage of the Russian-Eurasian philosophers of the 20's and 30's. They took the spiritual experiences of the orthodox tradition of the Russian Orthodox religion, and drew on the social criticism of the Russian socialists.
The achievements of Soviet stage of our history were evaluated. Ideologically, the prevailing philosophy of conservatism and the Conservative Revolution, also geopolitical methodology and original studies of the revolutionary "New Left" (ie, the
intellectual currents that have been developed in the West, but oriented towards the Western logic of development). All this combined, provided a serious ideological platform. In modern Russian society was constituted in a scientific direction, to a system of social and cultural initiatives. The consequence was that the Neo-eurasism the foundations of modern Russian geopolitics has created. Because of the huge cadre structure followers of this movement was soon catapulted to positions of power and in key ministries. Finally, it was the teaching of the Eurasian geopolitics, establishing many serious, operational international military and economic projects. Neo-eurasism acted on the ailing Russian modern political science, sociology and philosophy. Neo-eurasism gradually became the main conceptual tool of Russian state-building strategy.
This strategy must not of momentary political processes, but must depend on historical, geographical and historical constants. Neo-eurasism was a basis of the avant-garde trends in youth culture, it was an invigorating boost to the creative forces, it was the development of art, a clear direction. Neo-eurasism influenced many political parties and movements of modern Russia - we find large borrowings from the ideological arsenal of the Neo-eurasism program in theses Movements, such as the "unity" and the Communists (KPRF), the party Fatherland-All Russia (OVR), the Liberal Democrats (LDPR), the "movement Russia" and in many smaller movements and parties. These borrowings, however, remain fragmented, as they combine with other contradictory and thus retarding elements.
Now we must take a decisive step and give the Eurasian doctrine of a concrete, social-political dimension. The new leadership of Russia will take care of serious commitment to solving the strategic problems of the country. She is not satisfied with primitive and destructive prescriptions that will win by the West and the Russian representative, in influence in Russia. The new leadership needs to be philosophical and socio-political support. The present rulers are radically different from those of the late Soviet period and also by those of that era that uncritically enthusiastic for the mundane liberalism. A new state ideology, a new Russian model of the Russian policy are acutely needed. This is also the fact that today's power is in urgent need for a national idea. If
useful for the solution of the current exercise, the present political party system is (we say but that it is useless), so it has when viewed from a wider perspective no chances and needs radical reform.
This system was created in the process of destruction of the Soviet model and the emergence of liberal-democratic state along Western lines. Today this system of Russia is absolutely useless. Necessary parties and movements that act on the basis of a
belief that bring the interests of the entire spectrum of the population expressed: a world view that is connected with the people who educate the people and defended, and not an ideology the trust (and naivety) of the masses for their private interest or that of a lobby abused. All conditions for the emergence of a clear, goal-oriented Eurasian movement matured in the new Russia.
Those people who stood at the beginning of the Neo-eurasism who created the theoretical background and foundations of the Russian geopolitics of the Eurasian philosophy, those people who shaped the conservative-revolutionary political science and sociology, which for many years led the fight for Eurasia ideals have who have sacrificed themselves for the rebirth of the Russian people and our great country, these people have decided to form a new social-political "movement Eurasia.
Who will be invited to join us and support our movement? We speak to every Russian, educated or uneducated, influential, rich or dirt poor, workers and managers, non-performing or successful, Russian or Tatar, Greek Orthodox and Jew, conservative or modernist, student, or policeman, a member of the landing troops, or weaver, Governor or rock musicians. Our message, however, is only for those who love Russia and imagine a life without Russia can not. People who understand the need for a serious effort, an effort we all need to see our country and people on the map of the new millennium (which do not our enemies). We must passionately desire that we finally set up with all our strength to make the back straight and free our body from parasitic growths.
We have the scales fall from eyes that we represent in our country on the continent in the world, our solar Russian ideals - ideals of freedom, justice and fidelity to the roots.
The Movement Eurasia "is based on the principles of a radical center.
We are not left and not right, we are not obedient slavish swamp, and no screaming opposition at all costs. We believe that today's power in Russia - needs the help, support, solidarity and unity - in persona, Russian President Vladimir V. Putin. In this day and age a blind submission, an uncritical leniency with the regime is no less (if not more) pernicious than open rebellion. We are centrists in the extent to which the President and the power for the good of the people and country and not populist moment, but is in perspective. And we are hard on the side of the President and be radical to the end. We are not looking for the little mistakes are, affirm all the pressures and difficulties, if Russia itself the goal is that our country and the whole world from the terrible danger posed by the West, must be saved. Thus our predecessors, the Eurasian philosophers, the Orthodox fundamentalists, who supported the Marxist regime, because the West - the greater evil - resistance. Our centrism is not passive.
We are fully aware that today's power is in Russia to an objective logic, but no clear idea of strategic objectives and the basic philosophical and mental problems of the new millennium - this is very dangerous, risky, threatening, doubtful, which has drawn any lesson from the centuries of bloody battles and cruel suffering - has. In this sense, the current power confused and in need of help, the landmarks and milestones, the most active, most energetic, most intelligent, idealistic, patriotic part of our people (this part has to come in our movement, are the core of the movement) must give their . We believe that the kingdom lance in hand, and therefore, the rulers of the voice Eurasia listen. This voice is not a servile "arbitrary as" the good, docile, artificial wing chair parties. It is the powerful radical reputation of the soil, the voice of the generations, the roar from the depths of our spirit and our blood.
Our movement, the Eurasian principles to all levels of life. In the sphere of religion means a constructive solidarity Tetralog of traditional religions of Russia: the Greek Orthodox Church, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism.
The Eurasian branches of world religions have many discrepancies that the expression of these religions in other parts of the world. There is a common style of the Eurasian clergy, but not of the cultural differences or the authenticity of the teachings diminish. This is a serious and positive basis for the approach of mutual respect, for mutual understanding. Thanks to the Eurasian approach to religious issues will be able to handle disagreements and overcome many interdenominational. In the sphere of foreign policy planning to "move Eurasia" a comprehensive process of strategic integration. The recovery on the basis of a federal independent states of the Eurasian Federation "- the analogue of the structure of the Soviet Union on a new idea base on new economic and new administrative Basis. The strategic integration of intra-Soviet space has gradually spread to larger areas: the countries of the Moscow axis - Tehran - Delhi - Peking. The Eurasian policy must open for Russia access to warm seas, not in the way of war and suffering, but in the way of peace and good neighborly cooperation. The Eurasian politics in the West is planning special relationship with the countries of Europe. Modern Europe is - in contrast to the days when the fathers of Neo-eurasism the basics worked out - not the "source of world evil." The turbulent political events
20th Century have contributed to this source has shifted further to the West: Now called USA. Russia in Europe these days can find those strategic partners who are interested in the restoration of their earlier political violence. The Eurasian Russia must occur in the role of the liberator of Europe, as a liberator from the political, economic and cultural U.S. occupation. The Eurasian policy of Russia is interested in active cooperation with countries of the Pacific region. The economic giants of this geographical area have to see in the Eurasian policy of Russia the landmark for a separate political development and in the Potential in Eurasia is by its resources, the opportunity for new markets. At the global level will the "Eurasia movement" the same as the anti-globalization movement. This is reflected in the active and general confrontation course which controls the "Eurasian Movement" in relation to globalization. The "movement Eurasia namely consistently defended the great diversity of peoples, religions and national cultures.
all anti-globalist tendencies are necessarily "Eurasian". We are the consistent supporters of the "Eurasian federalism". This means the combination of strategic unity and the ethno-cultural autonomy, in some cases also with the economic, the hierarchically graded structure connected at the local level with the strict centralism in those key moments, which are connected with the interests of the state. We must revive the traditions of the Russian people, contribute to the recovery of population growth the Russians, and awaken the senses for the people of peculiar organic spirituality and ethics, high ideals, the living and the passionate patriotism again. Without the rebirth of the Russian nation the Eurasian project has no chance of being realized. This finding is based on our entire world view. The "movement Eurasia" means in the social sphere, the dominance of the principle of the social over the personal, the subjugation of the economic models under the strategy, and social tasks. The whole history of economic Eurasia shows that the development of economic mechanisms in this case a logic is subject, which is an alternative to the liberal-capitalist and individualist models of personal enrichment that has developed in the West on the basis of the Protestant ethic.
A liberal logic of the economy is far from Eurasia, which is an ancient train our people, which may not destroy. The collective community principle of economy, bring in the Criterion of "justice" in the process of distribution: This is a fixed train of our economic history. The "movement Eurasia" insists on the positive assessment of this factor, and on this basis, it gives preference to the socially-oriented economic models. The "movement Eurasia evaluated the effect of the archaic world of ancient tradition as a positive. In the development of the cultural process provides for the "movement Eurasia" a new appeal to the archaic, the original cultural motifs into the fabric of modern forms are to be woven. The emphasis here is on national subjects as the sources of folk art and a guarantor of the continuation and the revival of traditions. The Eurasian is a new life and fresh outlook, which is aimed primarily at young people, to people whose consciousness is not the chaotic jumps from a live remote theoretical model to another, even less appropriate model is spoiled. The Eurasian ideal is the powerful, passionate, healthy and beautiful human being, and not the cocaine addicts, the bastard of secular nightclubs, the anti-social criminals or prostitutes.
We can offer other, positive values, instead of the worship of the deformed and diseased tissue, instead of cynicism and groveling before the meager compensation for the real life. We do not allow that our children are killed, raped, humiliated, perverted, sold and made drug addicts. Our ideal is the celebration of physical and mental health, strength and heroism, loyalty and honor. The objectives of the "Eurasia movement" can only be achieved if many people rally around her. Also, the individual can do something, but the poetry is, as Lotréamont said the cause of all! This is particularly true of Eurasia: It is the thing of all! Now everything depends on our efforts. No one wins or it will only increase the convenience of the living standard or mature stage spectacle. It always starts with the daily painstaking work, to be perceived from the outside no. Before us lie difficulties and struggles, losses and suffering, but also great joy and a great goal!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Does Naughty America Have Viruses
If you are interested in our work, please send an e-mail to motion Eurasia @
-------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------

first Eurasia about all of Alexander Dugin
second ESTABLISHMENT of the International Eurasian Movement "means third
understanding defeat of Alexander Dugin
4th Alexander Dugin in conversation
The fifth program of the" Eurasian Movement "
6th The star of the Invisible Empire, via the traditional writer Parvulesko, 7 Alexander Dugin
Book Review: What holds together Russia, by Michael Thumann
48 pages, b. / w. Illustrations. Price: EUR 5.50
This publication can be purchased at the Regin-Verlag.
Please note that you can obtain the Young Forum in special subscription for the price of € 20.00 for four issues.
Copyright (c) 2004 Regin-Verlag. All rights reserved. Regin-Verlag /
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
Biffy Clyro Piano Notes
Also I have a very interesting article of capitalism Blogs read the time and have since voted not so negative towards the newly emerging culture of Germany strike.
If the numbers are in the article and from that I'm going from me, it would be really a nerve, the employer, even now to call for wage restraint, where the average for companies currently doing so well as for many years no more. And our biggest shortcoming right now is indeed the domestic demand, if we are to believe the business sections of various media. That is not strengthened by the fact that the top ten percent is Kaptialrenditen put more in your pocket, is also clear. This fact already found for decades in the economic policies of the SPD into account, even though I usually am not the biggest supporters of this party. On the other hand, of course, tariff restrictive contracts for medium-sized companies are also not desirable. Why not raise the wages of something and relax for the dismissal, so that workers in the dynamic economic growth and participate in the threshold for an employer is less to hire new workers as it seeks Villepin in France today? This encourages domestic demand, reinforcing the positive economic trend. Also makes it less dependent on exports. On the other hand, also means a higher risk of workers being laid off. The need to accept it. For entrepreneurs this airy economic uncertainty is normal due to their dependence on the macroeconomic situations have always been, reflected the other hand (I hope) in higher salaries for the risk transferor, ie the boss or the shareholders, again.
any case, I would find this worth a try. The problem is that unions are not the first time since join because they just NOT the interests of the common people, ie including the unemployed, represented, but only the interests of union members who have, by definition, yes work. Why, on the other side, however, that unemployed people demonstrating against such groups of selfish interests? Imagine a counter-demonstration against a strike. Well, maybe a little unrealistic, but it would at least show the actual fronts.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Salary Of A Periodontist
On my little trip to Stuttgart on WE, we have even the local Buddha Lounge in the former shooting gallery in Stuttgart Heslach viewed. Very good facilities and (at first) very atmosphere in company, even if the head of the success of something - totally un-Buddha-standard - seems to have gone to his head. Up to half-elf I would therefore issuing an unconditional recommendation for the shop. But then came the DJ and with it the musical misery. House could run average, as is probably quite common in Stuttgart and in my opinion, to each village Disse - meaning a totally inappropriate setting the music that is tailored to the mob. Accordingly, many people came then and the store - 20 times the size of the Ulm Buddha Lounge? - Was pretty full. And as it was full, the main-stream-off and the music was crappy. Online you can begin to look at the shop under Buddha Lounge
. As the website already shows the Buddha Lounge is sponsored, among others, the wretched radio NRJ, which could explain the crappy music: music for people with little money but little taste. Other sponsors are
Campari, a vodka brand and a champagne brand. Soon,'s ne Asia-meets-Latin-night pass, which should be of the declared on the flyer Music ago but as Asian as the dog from the neighbor: Latin grooves wait, the Asian influence is likely to deplete the Buddha figure in the corner . Well, so anyone who wants to eat and wants to start a nice evening, which can I unreservedly recommend the store because the setup is really unusual and very stylish - by far the most appealing setting up her disco / club / lounge / Whatever mix, I know. Only musically, one should not expect too much, for too many geared to the mainstream sponsors have their fingers in the game. Maybe I'm wrong but even the evening caught. I suspect sometimes that the real revenue until the droves to Elf / Elf around the incident, although sometimes quite beautiful - mob comes and they will not switch their musical (non-) concept so quickly. Soon they will probably open up a huge outdoor area called Mandarin Beach (on the former Shooting ranges?) And I would do to have it again, because the atmosphere seems to promise as said, very pleasant. If the Un-DJ takes up so you can continue to do so.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Mininova Long Dong Silver
's not much to say, but two nice links to the digestive reading.
No.1 Spike Lee about his new movie and the new and old racism in New York and the rest of the States: Inside Man
No. 2 The capitalism of the time-Blog: herd instinct - How it capitalism
If I still get to that, there's a few - for me - new insights into the possibilities of Bash that can make your life easier.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Popcorn Ceiling Spray
So, at the request of the driving school in mind, they now refer to it again as the root of all evil, I have the name changed again. The description is probably apt, since it is the reason for this misery here.
At yesterday's "event" of the Superstar finale I want to say now but not so much as this speaks for itself and I do not really want to waste time on that crap.
The fact that the current television landscape for years is in the qualitative decline is perhaps most clearly. Well, yes but no one is
forced to inflict the trash and it is hoped that they consider social impact within the limits. A development such as in Carpenter's "The Mouth of Madness "is probably not yet realistic. If the first is shredded at Ehinger Tor by an angry mob, I say again know.
Now me today Wikimedia done purely by chance aware that Adolf Eichmann today's would 100th he would not have been hanged in Israel. Eichmann's article is quite interesting and Eichmann probably the prototype of the good, boring German mass murderer of 70 years ago. It's bizarre enough that a mass murderer at all can be boring, but seems to Eichmann to be exactly the case since his murder apparently only out of obedience, and without any sadistic or some other kind Passion committed. Then I ask myself whether in Stalin's obedience were also those criminals. In the Latin American dictatorships seemed to torture men go into something passionate to the point, but those were there for one and not as part of an industrial and active destruction of the other dictatorships there are likely to have been only partially totalitarian, if at all. About Eichmann Anyway, I came across Hannah Arendt that seems to have written a rather interesting book on totalitarianism: The Origins of Totalitarianism . Seems to be in any case an entry in the list to be worth creating books.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Ambico Tripod Parts List
Stress And Burning Shoulder
.. and gave the blog's unfortunately the same obsessive with it.