(Caption FAZ)
have after the fall of the West
Russian Neoeurasier a geopolitical vision
In the barely pronounceable, but popularized term "Neoeurasianismus" (neojewrazianstwo) has changed in Russia since the mid-nineties, a new political Thinking prevailed, which is now in many party programs and even in government statements, at least show a trace element. Speaker and organizer of the neoeurasischen movement is the restless active philosopher Alexander Dugin, the presence of the several state theory and general political science works, his public presence, however, marks through television appearances, pugnacious interviews, journalistic days Comments or policy speeches in the Duma: Characteristic of the Neoeurasianismus whole and Dugin for the fact that the new theory is able to detect cross-party, the entire political spectrum from extreme right to extreme left is, except the liberal center, that of obligation to democracy, market economy and human rights in neoeurasischer look almost as criminal aberration presents.
The absolute home
confess to Neoeurasianismus today not only influential politicians, but also many distinguished artists, including film director Nikita Mikhalkov and the Kazakh poet Olshas Sulejmenow. Neoslawophile, neo-fascists and neo-Stalinist political horizon of the Neoeurasianismus seem to have found a common ideological homeland, but also to common ideological enemies, who in addition to the "liberals" also as different stakeholders such as the "oligarchs", the "Masonic", the "human rights", the "Westerners", the "capitalists" and, above all belong to the "Jews".
The main work of the neoeurasischen thinking is Dugin's thousand-page monograph on the "Foundations of Geopolitics," which has been published since 1996, repeatedly redesigned editions, an authoritative textbook for all decision makers in the major spheres of Russian political life, "while a review of earlier geopolitical theories and trying this for the first time in a "geopolitical bring doctrine of Russia. "This doctrine has Russia on the world map, the key position, so that come to its central axis Siberia and the Indian subcontinent are at the same width and not, as usual, the Western Europe between northern Sweden and southern Italy.
Dugin's teaching, which is represented by other titles such as "The absolute home", "Ways of the Absolute," "Mysteries of Eurasia" or "The Russian thing" is not merely to the collision of incompatible cultures out, but to an "inevitable Great War of the continents, a perpetual battle of civilizations and their tectonic Collision. "- West and East, sea and land, Atlanticism and Eurasiertum Here are Leviathan and Behemoth opposite in apocalyptic conflict, and Russia will be finally allotted to emerge from this conflict as a new world power:" The basis is laid, the basic principles have been resolved. But this is only the beginning of a journey, who will lead up to the logic of things from the abyss to the light of new Russian spheres of heaven and the holy flesh of the Russian land. "
the sometimes esoteric rhetoric that to great pains Dugin in his writings program should not disguise the relentless rigor of his thinking. It leaves everything behind, imagining what the Bolsheviks in the world happy and called for a world revolution. The Geopolitics of Neoeurasier is also a militant patriotism, which is the home completely, giving it global. As his role models and informants cited Dugin - with great respect - mainly Western European authors, led by Karl Haushofer and Carl Schmitt, but also the exiled Russian "Eurasian" of the twenties and their last descendants, the Soviet "ethnic geneticist" Lew Gumilev who enjoys today as a pioneer of the new Russian rights high posthumous fame.
Even the early Eurasiertum was pronounced faith in the state and power-oriented, imperialist, nationalist and determinedly set anti-Western, with significant Bolshevik or Stalinist sympathies, dominated by prominent intellectuals such as the linguist Nikolaj Trubeckoy, the geographer Pyotr Sawizkij, the historian George Vernadsky and the musicologist Ejotr Suwtschinskij, which essentially have developed the theoretical foundations of the Eurasian ideology to which the Neoeurasianismus now LINKED where he completed an abundant diffuse religious dimensions.
recently, Igor Wischnewezkij, in a sensational trial record and can demonstrate, what has been extraordinary, especially propagandistic share the musical culture of Russian modernism in the spread of the Eurasian idea since 1920 to the years of the Stalinist state terror. Sergei Prokofiev, returned to the Soviet Union and promoted folk artists, wrote on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the October Revolution, a large Eurasian-inspired cantata and a little later a concertante drinking song on the dictator.
the meaning and spirit of the composers have Eurasiertums Artur Lurie, Igor Stravinsky and Igor Markevitch committed, either with programmatic musical works, the Eastern primitivism against Western formalism brought into play, whether (or how Lurie Suwtschinskij) with independent theoretical writings and political declarations. On singular way here were composing, drafting musical aesthetic manifesto and philosophical reflections "in the spirit of music" a productive whole, though in a less critical approach to the Stalinist Soviet Union.
too often a new cultural era
Stravinsky, who remained untouched by such sympathy was, back in 1914 to recognize one of Romain Rolland's contempt for the decadence of Western musical culture, and looked for Russia "The role of a beautiful barbarian country" which was met "fertilize potent enough to the world of thought" of "seedlings of new ideas" and. Ripeness or even perfection, as Sträwinski saw her reach into the European music, he considered the "beginning of doom "for the" lowest level of the viability of high art "to - in favor of neuzuschaffenden" "So he made but only to Leo Tolstoy's general account with the traditional." folk art ".
were the pioneers of Eurasiertums a" organic "understanding of culture and art, the use of terms such as" power "and" maturity " "Flower" or "decay" targets and to Oswald Spengler kulturtypologische rankings in the "decline of the West" (1918 to 1922) recalls. This "destruction" is now brandishing the Neoeurasiern wordy in the belief that after a qualitatively new epoch follows that neither European nor Asian, but be flat Eurasian is - led by Russian multi-ethnic state, a "completely separate ethnic community, which alone was capable of dealing with the West-East conflict geopolitical.
Felix Phillipp Ingolt in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of 23.08.2006
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