Friday, April 28, 2006

Pinewood Derby Spaceship Design

Gödel would have turned 100 ...

.. had he not starved of paranoia.
and over again, that the media is not objective reporting, but only
hahne books "hair-puller. Why Einstein is known as dreadful and Gödel was not, I probably always remain a mystery. The media created since apparently her own object of desire, and the seemingly "bootstrap" manner, without coming from the outside grounds.
Not even the "respectable" Spiegel has now left on the front page a headline for him - or I've overlooked, but this would suggest that they may not have been too big. Only has an article about him that makes me this news page once again very likable.
Who was Gödel, and what he has discovered is there - albeit with a rather strange analogy - read. But maybe you can not logic to non-strange way and give way.
Well too bad, at least, that know so few people Godel's incompleteness theorem and a pity that so many people think they know, which means the theory of relativity, when it was published, have peers appreciated by Albert, that maybe only five people worldwide there that really understand his theory. With this statement, did this self-proclaimed "peers" it, as far as I know, lure to Berlin.
said today everyone seems to understand it, although I do not think that the majority of humanity has become more intelligent. Only technical innovations, we have accumulated.
But I will not speak about Einstein but by Gödel, Einstein was already said enough, God knows. Read the article linked Wikipedia article and there - who's really interested in - a logic book or a book of algorithms with a detailed chapter on logic. Then we talk some more ...


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