cosmopolitanism and patriotism
Photo: Washa-Pshavela and Alexandre Kazbegi
Wascha-Pshavela (Luka Rasikaschwili) born 26/07/1868 in Zhgenti Pshavi in the province in the northeast Georgia, died on 07.15.1915 in Tbilisi. He sat as a writer Ilia Chavchavadze's literary heritage and Akaki Tsereteli continued at higher levels. His work is characterized by natural philosophical and poetic reflections and the use of linguistic and dialectal peculiarities of his home region. He created works in which homeland and love of humanity in a poetic and highly reflective way were connected.
Some people think that the real patriotism is contrary to the cosmopolitanism, but that's a Irrturm. Every true patriot is a cosmopolitan, cosmopolitan, and any reasonable (and not ours) a patriot is. How? Sun: The man of his people is is prudent and trying to seek the reason in his own country, economically, and mora-lish, hereby he teaches for the whole humanity its best members, their best friends, contribute to the development and welfare of the whole humanity at.
If necessary for the development of the whole nation, individuals to edu-hen, so it is also necessary to educate individual nations so that all humanity is an evolving community. If it is for the individual national education useful, then make sure that every nation that an increased strength, energy, independence, and thus has its own Contribution pays into the fund humanity ...
Each farmer is to serve his country with commitment and reflect on its usefulness to the citizens and if his effort is used sensibly, where his works are useful to the extent that it will be beneficial for mankind. Edison is an American, he is working in America, but the fruits of his labor "taste" of the whole humanity. Shakespeare's English, he worked and lived in England, but his writings enjoyed the whole of humanity today. Also, Cervantes, Goethe and other geniuses who were your brothers creative activity, now of the whole of humanity as egg-related children considered
All geniuses were reared on their national soil, growing up there and who have the far-brought to glory, until the other nations to be taken as their own children. So, the geniuses have found a home outside their home - all over the world, in all of humanity, but nevertheless, the works of genius are more understandable and suitable national to a bottom.
"Hamlet," "King Lear" can enjoy no other country child so, especially after a translation, as the English themselves, who read in English these works. Why fetch from so far? How can another country the child "Heroes in the tiger skin" so enjoy and be understood, even if he reads the best translation, or even good Georgian can, as a Georgian? - Never. The genius, as a person and as an individual has a home, a loved one, a revered, but his work has none, because it belongs to all mankind GE, as science ...
Science and the geniuses we open the way for cosmopolitanism, but only by patriotism and nationalism. Develop a nation for so long that they have their eco-economic and political state understands it, the good and the bad of his social situation! Overcome the economic absurdities, and so is undoubtedly the Be removed strivings that one swallows the other, one the other plunder and fight each other that exists on Earth today!
patriotism, and the experience and the feeling of being-is given by the birth of man and includes parts that no sensible person can deny, such as the native language, the historical past, the celebrities and the national territories, literature etc. From the moment in which the child can look the world, he, it takes out of the air we breathe, the bed and a place to stay, the educators, the food and milk as the lullaby to rest.
This all happens in the family, under the direction of the mother and exactly Here is the On-fang of patriotism. The young man feels from the beginning a close relationship with those who have spoken with him, who have surrounded him, - of which he gets the first impressions. Therefore, he loves the language he heard in his youth and sees people as his family, who speak or sing in that language.
We find even just a little different sound of the language that comes from their own village, beautiful. You look forward to even meet someone from their own village in a foreign land when it should be the last one behind. grew up a child and his vision and patriotism is more comprehensive, especially first loves his village, or the small town where he was born and raised.
I can not imagine people who think to some extent may reasonably healthy and has feelings, who does not love his nation more than others, or its region more than others. Why? Therefore: The same man is not born in thousands of Or-ten, but he was born in a place where a family has a mother! If someone says he loves all nations equally, he's lying, or arises only way is simple, or it is bound by a party ideology hands. One grew up in a home bastard who is trained by perhaps thousands of votes does ultimately a language for as a mother tongue and selects a country as a home for themselves ...
Patriotism is more a matter of feeling than of reason, but reason has always been his admirers and admirers. Cosmopolitanism is only a matter of prudence, of human reason - it has nothing to emulate the human heart, he is a manufacturer submit, to eliminate the evil that hovers over the earth today.
why we need to understand the cosmopolitanism this: love your nation, your country, something good to do for your country, hate any other nation, do not be jealous towards them, do not disturb their efforts and try to prevent that your country is disadvantaged and it passes to the same height, on which there are the advanced nations. The one who refuses their own nationality, with the idea of being a cosmopolitan is a man with deformed feelings. It escapes him that he is the enemy of mankind, which he allegedly swore loyalty and love. God protect us against such a cosmopolitanism that we understand, as if all their own nationality should give up. Then all mankind would deny himself. Every nation seeks to free safety, so that they can manage themselves, to develop themselves through their own power. The development of individual nations is a prerequisite for the development of mankind.
From the Georgischen von Marika Lapauri-Burk
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