Thursday, June 11, 2009

Invitation Wording For A Diaper Shower

"What, may not be true." (1)

1.) Bloch, Ernst, Philosophische Grundfragen I, Frankfurt 1961, S. 65

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Graduation Invocation Examples


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first introduction.

second outlines of a 'dialectical alternative' to the metaphysical concept of spirit.

third The realization of the Hegelian principle of the unity of philosophy and world, Concept and reality, subjectivity and objectivity.

4th The difficulty of a 'realization of philosophy' in the 'dimensionality'.

5th attempt to sketch the current need for a 'realization of philosophy'.

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Friday, January 23, 2009

Women Wrestling Panty House

Nu Disco for Funky Friday


MOG there is the great tradition of Funky Fridays. A fellow Mogge dedicated this post to me and my recent disco fever;).

Check this fantastic live disco mix.

Metro Area - Live @ Somewhere from Roman Filippov on Vimeo .