Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dimensions For Rv Bathtub

the hypocritical cat

Author: Dieter Schuh - Source: Wikipedia

lived long time ago a leader a mouse colony that had grown to five hundred mice. Nearby lived the cat Angija, grown old and too weak to catch mice. In his youth he had sought to kill all the mice in his environment. Now he thought of a cunning and therefore began to observe the mice in secret.

Not far from the mouse hole is placed on the cat and acted as if he would do Bußhandlungen. The mice who saw him, and curiosity were shouted to him from a safe distance, "What are you doing, Uncle Angija"
The cat replied: "I have committed in my youth, many evil deeds. Now I tute repentance. "

The mice assumed that he gave up his sinful life. Over time they grew in confidence and the caution fell. The hangover, however, was always in the evening, the last mouse that wanted to disappear into the hole and swallowed them. The leader of the mice colony, however, noticed in time that his group of mice was always smaller. He thought that there must be a reason for it and besides it was not always the cat Angija scary. Therefore, he watched him and noticed first that the cat had become big and fat. "Certainly it is he who is responsible for the disappearance of mice," thought leaders of the mice. Therefore, he watched him secretly, and finally saw how the cat, the mouse began last evening and devoured.
"Oh, you hypocritical cat," said leader of the mice out of hiding. "You're doing so religious, but are one who thinks the penalty only for personal gain."

ancient Tibetan fable
Retold by Horst-Dieter Radke


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